Jun 2, 2012

Bucket List #2

Growing up we never went to church. However, every Sunday my parents went to yoga and sometimes I went with them. It was the closest thing to a Sunday morning routine that I could figure. I distinctly remember my father snoring during sivasana. I continued to do yoga here and there while growing up, and it was second nature when I finally moved out on my own to take up a yoga practice. Over the years I have dabbled in and out of yoga and intend to get back into it again, possibly with a 30 day challenge. I know that when I do yoga my body is happier, my mind is calmer and it helps keep everything in perspective.

A few years ago my brother and I decided that we would go and spend a month at an ashram in India. The next thing you know I was pregnant with Porter and an ashram was the very last thing on my mind. Since then, obviously, Porter has been born and my brother has lived in both France and Los Angeles and now lives back in Santa Cruz. Needless to say, the ashram has yet to happen. And so, my friends, that is number two on my bucket list.

Bucket List

~Travel to 6 of the 7 continents. Let's be honest, Antarctica is a long shot. So far I've been to North America (Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica) and Europe (France).

~Spend time practicing yoga at an ashram in India, with my brother.

I'm pretty sure this is the antithesis of what yoga in an ashram is like, but it sure is fun to watch.

Click to watch sweet yoga video here!

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