Jul 29, 2012

Top 5 Entertaining Tips

We celebrated my mom's birthday this weekend and I've done a lot of planning, directing and preparing for the events, which included boating on Saturday and a pot luck dinner on Sunday. Here are the 5 things I've learned in the process:

5. Plan ahead - make reservations, decide how the food is going to work (I think pot luck is the way to go), set up appetizers, make lists (thanks Kumar!)
4. Allow sufficient time to make everything clean and pretty before the event starts.
3. Have really good friends involved in case you need essential items, i.e. ice, paper towels.
2. Include good drinks -  we had the Lingo's killer 1-1-1 margaritas, beer, wine, and a pitcher of ice cold drinking water.
1. Decorate! If there is anything I've learned from all the children's books I've been reading, a party isn't a party without decorations. We had balloons hanging from trees and flowers. A little whimsy goes a long way!

Happy Birthday MOM!!!

Chelsea made my favorite chocolate cake in the world it was AMAZING!

Chocolate cake with homemade Magic Strawberry and Custard Vanilla ice creams, made by my brother Steve. The Strawberry is a no cook ice cream and it tastes just like the real thing, it really is magical.

It's becoming a tradition that Lucy helps my mom blow out her birthday candles. Lucy decided she was responsible for the pink ones. They both did a very good job, wishes should be coming true this year.

I took a bite before deciding to take a picture, I have priorities. This is my favorite dessert,  EVER.

Porter noshing on a fresh Lemon Cucumber from the vine. 

Uncle Kumar helping Porter live the dream at Fred Meyer.

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