Oct 15, 2011


I'm a few days late for Porter's 9 month post, but better late than never. He has stopped growing at break neck speed, but is still in the 90% for height and 65% for weight. He's 29.5" tall and 20lbs 13oz. He also enjoys feeding himself and cruising back and forth along the coffee table, but if he really wants to get anywhere he crawls. Playing guitar with his dad is an all time favorite, maybe Luke's dream of having a musician son will come true after all? He's also still sleeping through the night for up to 10 hours at a time. I, however, have been trained to go to sleep at 1am. If only I could cry it out and fall asleep sooner. Love this baby more everyday!

Reading! When he gets to the page where Count Dracula is sitting in the dentist chair, Porter leans over and gives the Count a kiss, tender.

Misty, aka Princess Kitty, is ready for her stroll.

Mmm, breakfast is so good, especially when it's in my hair!

Having a Santa Cruz moment in his baby Uggs and Santa Cruz sweatshirt. Thanks Gwen for the Uggs and Louisiana for the sweatshirt.

Shopping cart.

I LOVE these overalls, love them!

Love these blue eyes too.

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