Jun 2, 2011

Chicken Little Act 2

As promised, I made dinner using leftovers from last night's roasted chicken. Tonight was quesadillas. What I noticed was that the chicken tasted more chicken-y. The roasted chicken has way more flavor than if I bought the chicken breast or thighs in a package, plus it cost less since I bought the whole chicken. I still have some leftover chicken and all of the broth. Tomorrow is a soup day, especially since it's June and I still have the heater turned on.

Tillamook Colby Jack Cheese and leftover chicken, chopped.

Cooking lettuce is all the rage these days, so I thought I would add some lettuce to my quesadilla. It wasn't the best choice I've ever made in the kitchen.
Cheese, chicken and lettuce.

My mom had these awesome mermaid plates special ordered for me at Many Hands Gallery. I love them.
Here are the final quesadillas with a side of salsa.
Porter can read! Or at least turn the pages of a cardboard book, kinda.

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