Nov 27, 2012

It's Been A Long Two Weeks

To explain the blogging absence I'm going to use the opening paragraph from one my favorite blogs, The Tipsy Baker, because she does it so well, 

The pause happened because living/cooking/eating/plotting got so far ahead of posting that 
catching up started to feel impossible. Weeks went by. The hole got deeper. The only solution is to
do the most cursory catch up, forget the rest, and move on like I never missed a beat.

To catch up, I'll say that we've become members of Idaho's very small aquarium, eradicated pinworms, missed Thanksgiving thanks to the stomach flu, really matured into the terrible  exploring new boundaries two's, realized that getting back in shape is really hard this time around, considered 2013 new year's resolutions, read and analyzed my favorite blogs, started considering my career and where that might be going, brewed kombucha, mastered potato latkes, turned the thermostat up, and generally enjoyed each other's company.  December's challenge will be a fun one and get me back into regularly posting. Here's the boy!

The train tracks at the end of our street are finally getting the love they deserve.

His exceptional use of the word "please" got Porter a bonus trip to the neighborhood school playground. How could I say no when he asked so very nicely?

After asking to ride the camel at the zoo he was adamant that he be put "DOWN!"
Most everything is a demand lately.

Penguin love.

New found skills thanks to gymnastics.

Little yogini

Merry Christmas!

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